Handling of Personal Information

Japanese follows after English

Pasona Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “The Company”) will handle the collection, use, management, etc. of personal information at events (hereinafter referred to as “Event”) of the “TIEC Career Forum 2024″ Implementation Services” (hereinafter referred to as “Project”) commissioned by the Japan Student Services Organization (hereinafter referred to as “JASSO”).

1. Purpose of use
Personal information provided or obtained will be used for the following purposes.
(1) Receipt of participation in the Event, and correspondence and procedures at the time of participation.
(2) After the event, to provide information and guidance regarding the project, distribute newsletters, announce various seminars and events, and conduct questionnaires.
(3) Contacting and responding to inquiries regarding the event and related matters
(4) Responding to inquiries regarding changes to information provided by you
(5) To deliver requested materials
(6) To provide the information to third parties as described in 2. below

2. Provision of personal information to third parties
Personal information provided by you may be provided to third parties as follows.
The information will be provided to: JASSO
(1) Purpose of provision: To administer the Project, to report on the results and achievements related to the Project, or to provide information on the Project and other matters related to the Project, or to prepare statistics related to the Project.
(2) Means or method of provision: e-mail or in writing
(3) Items of personal information to be provided: name, affiliation, home country or region and other items provided that are necessary to achieve the purpose of provision
4)Type and attributes of the organization to whom the information is provided: The consignee of the Project
5)Contract regarding the handling of personal information: Yes

3. Security control measures
The Company is taking necessary and appropriate security control measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage (hereinafter referred to as “leakage, etc.”) of personal data and to otherwise manage such data. The security control measures for personal data are as follows:

1) Establishment of privacy policy
In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, the Company has enacted and published its Personal Data Protection Policy (https://www.pasona.co.jp/utility/privacy.html).

2) Establishment of Rules for Handling Personal Data
For each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, disposal, etc., the Company has established “Personal Data Protection Regulations” (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data Protection Regulations”), which cover acquisition methods, responsible persons and persons in charge, and their duties.

3) Organizational Safety Control Measures
(1) In addition to appointing a person responsible for personal information protection for the handling of personal data, the Company clarifies the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees, and establishes a system for reporting to the personal information protection manager in the event that a fact or indication of a violation of the Personal Information Protection Law or Personal Information Protection Regulations is detected.
(2) Regular self-inspections of the status of personal data handling are conducted, as well as audits by the parent company.
4) Personnel security control measures
(1) Regular training is provided to employees on matters to keep in mind regarding the handling of personal data. .
(2) Items concerning confidentiality of personal data are stipulated in the employment regulations.

5) Physical security control measures
(1) In areas where personal data is handled, the Company controls employee access to rooms and restricts the equipment, etc. they may bring in, and implements measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.
(2) Measures are taken to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents that handle personal data, and measures are taken to ensure that personal data is not easily revealed when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are carried, including during transportation within the business site.

6) Technical security control measures
(1) Access control is implemented to limit the scope of persons in charge and the personal information database, etc. handled.
(2) A system is in place to protect the information system handling personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.

7) Understanding the external environment
(1) When handling personal data in a foreign country, the Company will take measures for the secure management of personal data after obtaining information on the personal data protection system of the country concerned.
(2) If personal data is handled in a foreign country and you would like to know the name of the foreign country and the outline of its system for the protection of personal information, please contact the Personal Information Protection Manager (e-mail: privacy@pasona.co.jp) listed in “6. Privacy@pasona.co.jp”.

4. Voluntary nature of personal information provision
Although it is optional for you to register your own personal information, failure to register the required information may result in the inability to receive appropriate services.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information
Requests for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction of content, addition, suspension of use, deletion, suspension of provision to a third party, and disclosure of records of provision to a third party should be made to the following contact. When the Company receive your request, the Company shall confirm your identity and the details of your request, so please fill out the necessary documents designated by the Company and submit them.

■Contact for Requests for Disclosure, etc.
Pasona Inc. Global Business Division
TIEC Career Forum 2024 Management Office
Tel: 03-6734-1270
E-MAIL: jasso@pasona.co.jp

6.Title, affiliation and contact information of the Personal Information Protection Manager
Senior Managing Executive Officer, Personal Information Protection Manager
Email: privacy@pasona.co.jp

7. Name, address, and name of representative of the Company
Shintaro Nakao, Chief Operating Officer
Pasona Inc.
1-30, Minami-Aoyama 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo


株式会社パソナ(以下「当社」といいます)は、独立行政法人日本学生支援機構(以下「JASSO」といいます)より受託した 「TIECキャリアフォーラム2024」実施業務」(以下「本事業」といいます)におけるイベント(以下「イベント」といいます)での個人情報の収集・利用・管理等について、次のとおり取り扱います。




1) 基本方針の策定

2) 個人データの取扱いに係る規律の整備

3) 組織的安全管理措置

4) 人的安全管理措置
(1) 個人データの取扱いに関する留意事項について、従業者に定期的な研修を実施しています。
(2) 個人データについての秘密保持に関する事項を就業規則に記載しています。

5) 物理的安全管理措置

6) 技術的安全管理措置

7) 外的環境の把握



株式会社パソナ グローバル事業本部
E-MAIL: jasso@pasona.co.jp

個人情報保護管理者 専務執行役員

代表取締役社長 中尾慎太郎